Thursday, December 13, 2012


What's a Flash Sale?  It's a limited time sale that can save you a lot of money! 

FLASH SALE! Use code FLASH33 at checkout to save 33% off your ENTIRE order!

Must use code at checkout in the coupon box. Offer good until 11:59pm CT 12/14/12 at Due to the nature of the sale, I will not be able to accommodate Custom Orders or shipping adjustments, while supplies last, in stock items only. Not valid on previous purchases. No refunds for excess shipping over what is stated on your checkout screen. No refunds if you did not apply code at checkout. You may use this code multiple times, please feel free to share the code with friends.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving, a Free Gift and Upcoming SALE!

In order for you to plan your shopping and figure out the best deal for you, I thought I would let you know what the plan for the rest of the week is.  Black Friday will be 25% off everything (use code SAVE25OFF), Shop Small Saturday & Sunday will be 10% off the entire site (use code FAB10) and Cyber Monday will be FREE DOMESTIC SHIPPING (use code FREESHIPBF) (Domestic United States shipments only; no other coupon codes accepted including the Returning Customer Coupon Code). As always, you must use your code at checkout in order to receive the discount and only one code per order.

Also, every purchase will get a sweet little Free Gift (pink buttons!) with their purchase (while supplies last) starting tomorrow:

Thank you for your patronage and have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

HUGE Inventory Reduction Sale - Starts Today!

I have created a new section in the shop - "SALE / CLEARANCE" and am in the process of marking down HUNDREDS of yards of fabrics, trims and patterns.  Great deals starting at just $1.00!  Many designer quilting cottons that were a MSRP of $10.50/yard are deeply discounted to get them out the door and into new, loving homes.  (Seriously, I need to make room!).
For example,  Thimbleberries - were $9.99/yard, now $5.00 yard.  This fabric is like butter to sew with (except less messy), it makes beautiful projects!


As always, please be aware that these fabulous deals are excluded from and combined shipping refunds, what you see at checkout for shipping is the shipping cost.  Even with that in mind, the deals are FANTASTIC and I will be adding several new items to this section throughout the week, please check back!

Have a great week, everyone!
 - Melissa

Friday, October 26, 2012

Not At Quilt Market.... sigh...

Ah, that fine semi-annual fest of fabric is upon us and it is with a heavy heart that I report that I am not there in the flesh.  Quilt Market is the quilt industry's Trade Show.  THE place to get the inside track on all things new and fresh for store owners, professional quilters and pattern makers from vendors from all over the world. 

I certainly wish I was there but it was not meant to be.  In the meantime, I will live vicariously through tweets, instagram, facebook and blog updates.  I do have a regional "Quilt Market" to go to on November 12th with my local Sales Reps.  It's not the same, but I am looking forward to seeing new samples in person. 

I have been adding new fabrics to the shop this week.  I have also been organizing and am hoping to start doing a massive markdown on some stock soon.   As always, search the shop for the word "SALE" to find the best deals or click this link:  TAKE ME TO THE MARKDOWNS

Finally, I am on Pinterest!  Follow my sewing board here and the quilting board here.

Have a great weekend friends!
 - Melissa

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Soft Wubby Tutorial and Dumpster Diving Braless

I finally have a new tutorial!!!! Yea me! I remember how clever I thought it was that Melissa came up with the name "Tuesday Tutorial".  I can't do it!  It is way too much pressure to have deadlines.  I have really great intentions and then life happens.  Now we will have "Surprise....It Is A Tutorial" day.  Or...Finally the damn project is done day....

I have to tell you about my Tuesday and exactly why this tutorial was not done on time. O.k. sit back, grab a Diet Coke, and prepare to feel much better about yourself.  Monday night Thing 3 came home from school in tears.  Thing 3 is a perfectionist.  She is and overachiever.  She suffers from severe anxiety.  She had been working on a project for a week.  It was due that day (Monday).  She put it in her bag before she left for school.  Monday is band day so she went to band at a different school than she attends.  After band she rode the bus to her school.  She got to school.  She went to her locker. She pulled out her books and went to get her project and guess what......(drum roll please....) It was not in her bag.  She had lost it somewhere between the house and her locker.  She was devastated.  She got detention. (When the kids don't have their homework they get detention.  Her life was ruined.  I talked to her and got her calmed down. Next, I called the teacher and explained that she did have the project done but it had fallen out of her bag at band.  I asked her to go look in the car and I would call the bus barn and have the bus driver check and see if it had fallen out on the bus.  It was too late to call the school.  We came up empty handed.  Tuesday morning I got up and went to the school that she has band at.  The office staff was less than helpful.  I was saying really nasty words in my mind. I found the band teacher and together we looked everywhere! I looked in the trash in the band room.  I looked through the trash in the auditorium where they set their bags.  I looked through the trash on the janitors cart! We looked in every spot that Thing 3 had been in.  We called the night janitor and asked if he had found it. The project was a legal sized piece of white paper rolled in a tube.  (If you unrolled it, it was obvious it was a project.  Rolled, it looked like trash) I was pretty sure it had been thrown away.  We looked for a good hour for it. Next stop was the bus barn.  I went and looked all over the bus.  I dug through the trash on the bus (If you are counting I have looked through no fewer than 3 nasty trash cans full of chewed gum and used tissues.) and came up empty handed.  I was devastated for Thing 3.  I got in the car and got ready to leave when out of the corner of my eye I saw a white tube tucked into the door pocket!  I. Was. Ticked.  I had to go to Target and then I was going to go home and shower.  I am walking into Target trying to come up with the most vile chores for Thing 3 to do in payment for my lost morning when I caught my reflection in the glass.  I had forgotten my bra.  You might be thinking, "oh, that can't be that bad...she probably had on a baggy shirt."  I could not be that lucky.  I had on a fitted shirt that showed my poor saggy self in all its glory.  I had talked to the principal.  I had talked to 4 teachers.  I had talked to the bus driver.  I had gone to Target.  The day didn't get better.  That my friends is why this is now a Thursday Tutorial!

Drum roll please..........................................

Soft Wubby Blanket
I am always on the lookout for cute ideas for baby gifts.  My talented friend Angela McKellar came up with this cute little blanket.  I call it the Soft Wubby.  It is a small, lightweight quilt, with no batting, and Minky on the back.  I can whip one of these up in less than and hour!
(This will make 2 blankets)

5 (five) 1/4 yard cuts of coordinating prints
1 (one) 3/4 yard cut of a coordinating print
1 yard cut of Minky
coordinating thread

Step 1
* cut each of the 5 ( five) 1/4 yard prints into several pieces 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
* cut 1/4 yard off of your 3/4 yard print.  Set the remaining 1/2 yard aside for the binding
* cut the remaining 1/4 yard print into several pieces 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
You should now have 6 stacks of different prints
Step 2
* Sew 4 different strip sets using three different prints in each row.

Step 3
* You should now have 4 strip sets.  Each strip set should contain 3 different blocks. Press.
* Sew the rows together.  Your top will be 3 block across (width) and 4 rows down (length)
* Press

Step 4
* Measure your top.  Add 1 inch to each side measurement. Cut Minky for the back.
* Lay the Minky on a flat surface, fuzzy side facing down and wrong side up.
* Spray the WRONG side of the Minky with a basting spray. Lay the quilt top on the Minky. Wrong sides  together.  Smooth out all the wrinkles.

Step 5
* Choose a decorative stitch such as a zig zag (I like the wavey stitch) and sew across each seam.  This will anchor the top and the bottom together.
(This is the back.)
Step 6
* Measure your quilt and cut your binding.  Bind using your favorite method.  I never hand tack my binding because these Soft Wubby blankets get used alot! I find that when I sew it on with the machine it is much more durable.

Step 7
* Find a cute baby that needs a cute little Wubby to cuddle!
This cute little boy Wubby is made using various fabrics from
The little girl version is made using Weekends Go By Bike by Erin McMorris for Free Spirit

These blankets are perfect for the car seats, the stroller, and just general snuggling.  They are lightweight and so very soft!  Happy Sewing!


Monday, August 27, 2012

Sometimes Life is Hard.

I woke up this morning, got my kids off to school, and started to clean my bathroom.  I had to stop because I felt the need to write.  Life is very crazy at our house right now.  It is always crazy but right  now, there is so much extra on our plates.  I want to talk to you all about Thing 1.

Thing 1 is an absolutely beautiful, wonderful, strong, happy, resilient, young lady.  I wish I could take credit for her but I can't.  You see, I did not give birth to Thing 1.  I love her like I did...In a lot of ways I feel like I love her with a fierce intensity because I DID NOT give birth to her.  Thing 1 was taken from her mother at birth.  My husbands parents were foster parents to her and then adopted her.  She was the baby that every time someone met her and found out she was a foster child they wanted to adopt her.  My in-laws held onto her tightly.  My mother-in-law was diabetic.  When Thing 1 was 9ish my mil's health started to decline.  Thing 1 watched her go from being a vibrant and strong to watching her go on dialysis and eventually bedridden.  Thing 1 was at home while her mom was under the care of hospice and eventually died.  I still cry when I think of this sweet 11 year old girl calling me and telling me that her mom couldn't tell her she loved her anymore.  We knew Thing 1 would be ok because she had her dad.  She was the CENTER of her dad's world.  Shortly after my mil died we noticed that my father-in-law (fil) was becoming forgetful.  We talked them into moving close to us. We started to see my fil declining and soon he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  Thing 1 was 14.  It was decided that we would become her guardians.  Thing 1 came to live with us.  After Thing 6 was born I knew I could not have any more children.  It was hard because I did not feel that our family was complete. After Thing 1 moved in, I knew that our family was complete.  I was content.  Our family was how it was supposed to be.  That 1st year was not easy but we made it through.  This is when I truly learned how resilient Thing 1 was.  It was also when I realized that my favorite sound was her laugh.  When Thing 1 laughs, everything is made better.  Her father had to go into an Assisted Living Memory Unit.  Thing 1 would go once a week and eat with him.  She has so much compassion and learned to love the people there.  She was able to find the humor in watching her dad decline.  While her dad was in this unit she was the only person her consistently knew.  I know that this was a gift from God to this young girl that still needs her father.  I have watched her mourn the loss of the father she knew and embrace who he was becoming.  She has done this with a grace and a strength that I know I would not have.  A little over a week ago my fil fell and broke his hip.  He had surgery and had a total hip replacement.  He was hardly able to communicate but after he got to his room he asked me where she was.  Last week was hard.  He is now in a nursing home setting.  It is hard to see him.  I took Thing 1 to see him.  I could see her heart break and then she took a breathe, started talking to him, and laughed with him.  All of this was done in typical Thing 1 fashion.  Friday night we got a call that he had tried to get up and had fallen again.  He broke his hip again.  I can see the pain in Thing 1's eyes.  I can see it in her walk.  She is 17 and should be worrying about boys and hair.  Instead she is dealing with the lose of her dad over and over again.  It breaks my heart. She doesn't want to talk about it.  All I can do is pray for her and love her.  I realize that it is selfish to be grateful that we have her as one of our children.  I can't remember what our life was like before her.  I can't imagine what our life would be like without her. The sad thing is that our having her has come at a huge price. Sometimes, life is hard.
Thing 1, I love you.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Because It Is Not Tuesday Giveaway!!!!

Do you remember how last week I posted that I would have a new tutorial ?  Guess what. I don't.  School started thursday and thursday night my father-in-law fell and broke his hip.  He has Alzheimer's so that complicates things a bit.  I have big plans to lock myself in my sewing room this weekend.  I need a bit of sewing therapy!

I feel so guilty for neglecting all you in blog land that I decided to do a give away!
This giveaway includes an Amy Butler eco-friendly shopping bag and an Amy Butler pattern signed by AMY BUTLER!!!!!! The pattern is for the Gypsy Sling and has never been opened!

How to enter:
Comment on this blog to win! Make sure you leave your email address or a way to contact you or remember to check back to see if you've won. Limit one entry per person per day. We will draw a winner on Friday at noon Central time. Winner will be chosen by random number generator. No purchase necessary to win.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Toothbrush Tastes Like the Toilet.....

Last sunday I was sitting in church.  Thing Six was snuggled up to me and her breath was a bit stinky.  I asked her if she had brushed her teeth before church. Here is her answer. "Ya, I did brush my teeth but my toothbrush tasted like the toilet so maybe she has toilet breath." At this point I should have just dropped it but I was grossed out and I must admit, a bit intrigued. I said," Why would your toothbrush taste like the toilet?" She replied, "Oh, you know, sometimes they just fall in there...sometimes the kids get mad at each other and put them in there...but only after it has been flushed (the flushing makes it all sanitary!)." I told her that I have 8 new toothbrushes in my bathroom and to make sure to get a new one when she gets home. Ewwww!!!! Just for the record EVERYONE got new toothbrushes and a huge lecture on what is appropriate to put in the toilet and what is NOT!!!!!!!!!!

A couple days later my Hubby took Thing 5 to the store with him.  They were chatting and she said,"Dad, sometimes when I am mad at Thing 4 (only boy in family) I go in the bathroom and pee in the toilet.  I wipe my bum and put the toilet paper in the trash.  Then, I leave the seat up and wait for mom to get mad at him." The Hubby looked at her and said, "That is good to know."

I know all kids are gross. I have to say that I have come to believe that mine are just disgusting!

Today is the first day of school.  Today, I get my sanity back!  Have a great day. I am going to work on my tutorial for next week! Yae Me!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Summer Of The Possessed Cat and Accidental Coolness...

Hello there friends!  It has been awhile since I posted.  I have been having issues with my internet.  Thanks to Mediacom (I never thought I would say that!) I now have cable internet!!! (I had DSL but we live out of town and it was really...slow and unreliable.)

We have had THE craziest summer!  We took 2 trips out west in June (20+ hours in the car each way), and came home to a basement remodel, church camps, drama camps ( actual drama camps...not the ones that happen in my house once a month!), scout camp, and orchestra camp.  It has been busy.

I have a story. If you are a member of PETA then I suggest you skip this part.  You will lose all respect for me.  As I have mentioned, I have 6 kids.  I am far from being a perfect parent but I do the best I can.    Thing 5 may look homeless and Thing 3 never wears socks or zips her coat when it is -20 degrees.  I know I have a lot of shortcoming. (We have planned ahead and have special accounts for the therapy I am sure they will need when they are older.)  I love them and I think they are happy, well adjusted kids in spite of my parenting.  Kids I can do.  Pets.... not so much.  It has become a bit of a family joke because it has taken us many, many pets to figure out that we don't do big dogs or pets that shed.  We have 1 outdoor cat (we live next to a cornfield and need a good mouse cat) and two dogs. Jack is a Miniature Schnauzer and Gizzy is a Shih Tzu.  I love them like they are my children.  They don't say they hate me or slam doors. This brings me to the story of the possessed cat.

One night I was at Target with Things 3-5.  There was this gorgeous grey cat with white paws that had obviously been abandoned. I think it had a home at one point but was now very skinny.  It was very friendly and just begging for a good home. We shopped for an hour and came out of the store.  There was a group of people trying to decide what to do with the cat.  My kids were begging so I thought, "Let's take the cat home. What can it hurt?".  We loaded the cat into the car and interestingly enough, it was not one bit scared of the car.  It just snuggled into Thing 4's lap and purred.  We named her Lucy.  We were all very happy and excited about this new addition to our family.  The next morning my friend came to pick Thing 5 up for Drama Camp and she said that she was knocking on the door and the cat jumped off the car (we have an SUV so it was taller than my friend) and started to attack her.  I thought she was exaggerating.  We laughed and the cat purred and rubbed my legs.  I ran to the store and when I got home the kids let Jack (the mini schnauzer) out of the house.  I got out of the car just as Jack walked out and the cat jumped off the top of the car and attacked me (true story, if you don't believe me call my sister Amy...I was talking to her on the phone).  I think she was actually going after the dog but her claws were out and she caught me in the jugular vein on the back of my leg.  Blood was spurting EVERYWHERE!!! I know you are saying that the jugular vein is in your neck, not on the back of your leg.  I think I have a defect and that mine is on the back of my leg...there was that much blood! (I am a bit of a hypochondriac, for 7 years I called my husband once a month asking him what side my appendix was on.  He assured me that it was on your right side. My pain was on the left side so it was probably menstrual cramps.  Again, I thought I had a deformity and that my appendix was in the wrong place.  Guess what.  I got a hysterectomy and my monthly appendicitis went away!)  I ran into the house and patched my leg up.  I grabbed the cat, put her in a carrier, and took her to the animal shelter.  I told them she was a lovely cat and that she would be better off in a home without dogs.  When I got home Thing 4 said, "Please, lets not tell Things 1-3 (they were at church camp) that we got a cat and got rid of a cat while they were gone."  Lucy has never been mentioned again.  I am happy to report that I was on a dose of antibiotics for a week and did not develop Cat Scratch Fever.

As for the part of me being accidentally cool....I got a pair of neon orange Nike running shoes.  Whenever I run, people honk and give me a thumbs up.  I am assuming it is because they think I am cool.  They could be honking because I have really skinny, really white legs that look ridiculous with neon orange running shoes.

Have a wonderful weekend and look for our next Tuesday Tutorial!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cutest Baby Quilt.....Part 2

Drumroll Please......................
TAAAADAAAA!  Here it is.  The Cutest Baby Quilt Ever!!! I am sure many of you are saying, "no, Stephanie, I have made cuter and I have seen cuter."  That is ok! I am not offended.  I do hope that you will try to make this quick and easy quilt and then it can become ONE of your favorites.

Lets refer back to part 1 of the tutorial.  In the first step you prepared your fabrics by quilting the "quilt sandwich" together.  The sandwich consists of the back, batting, and quilt top.  I wanted to do something simple so I straight line quilted it.  Now we will finish the quilt.

Part 2

I have my quilt sandwich ready to go and quilted. Right now it is has square corners.  I want to round them a bit so I used the bottom of a large cone of thread to trace a curve on all four corners. (I used white fabric so that you could see what I was doing.)
I have traced the four corners.  Now I want to make sure to secure my edges so they won't ravel.  I have a serger so I serged around the edge of the whole quilt.  If you don't have a serger, just using a normal zig zag will work.  This serves two purposes. 1) It will keep the fabric from raveling. 2) It will serve as my guide when I do the hemstitching.
Next I will choose my thread and put my Hemstitch needle on.
I selected my Hemstitch on my machine.  I then set the stitch length to as long as it would go.  On my machine it is 4.0 mm. I have also use a plain straight stitch but the holes don't stay open and then it is hard to get the hook through. Here is what mine looks like.
Now comes the fun part.
Grab your yarn and your crochet hook.  I used a U.S. 5/1.7mm hook.  Now all you have to do is single crochet around the edge of your quilt.  Here is a video.

 Crochet around the whole quilt and this is what you have!

Happy sewing!  Please post pictures of your cute quilts on Facebook! If you have any questions please message me!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cutest Baby Quilt Part 2 is coming.....

(Thing 4 with his 3 pound rainbow trout!)
Part 2 of our  baby quilt tutorial is coming...I promise.  We just got back from a family reunion out in Utah.  We rented a trailer and drove 20 + hours each way.  I am digging out from laundry so I will be late posting. Happy 4th of July!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Art and Soul Boutique...LOVE IT!!!

I love my job.  Melissa sent me a text a couple of weeks ago and asked me what size skirt I wore.  I sent her my size and a few days later I got the CUTEST skirt in the mail! They even sent a cute shirt for Thing 5.

Art and Soul Boutique (Bercot Children's wear) has a great selection of all American made, boutique children's wear and women's clothing.  The shirt that Thing 5 is wearing is a nice blend of  poly, rayon, and linen. I washed it before she wore it and it held it's shape beautifully. The fabric is so soft. It is sure to be a favorite.
I am wearing the "Lots O Pink" skirt. It is 100% cotton with a cotton/lycra yoga band. The waist is such a cute pink and white polka dot print (too bad that after giving birth to 5 kids I don't tuck things in!)

The skirt is embellished with a "ditty pocket" (I got so many compliments on the pocket!) and handmade cluney lace from Poland along the bottom.

 I wore it to three different events and got so...many compliments.  It was so comfortable.  I even wore it to sit in front of a cornfield! (doesn't everyone love to sit by the corn?)

I hate things touching my waist and I loved the yoga band.  One problem I have with other skirts that have yoga bands is that they are usually really bulky.  I have enough bulk in my tummy area without adding to it.  This yoga waist is very thin and adds NO bulk.  The skirt as a whole was very flattering (or so I was told) and I felt so cute wearing it.  I washed it and it ironed really well and looks as good as new.  I am a fan.  I love everything about it and wouldn't change a thing.  I am already planning my next order!
Thank you Art & Soul!  Shop Art and Soul Boutique at

This is Melissa. I just want to mention that I rarely have time to sew. Kristine and her team at Art & Soul create sweet, lovely clothing for women of all sizes and children who love beautiful, affordable, handmade clothing. Everything is made in the USA! How rare is that? I feel great knowing my purchase is supporting a woman owned business. Treat yourself to something you will love to wear!

Psssst! Even better - right now they are having their annual Studio Sale! Run!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Cutest Baby Quilt Tutorial.....(Part1)

Happy Tuesday!!!  When Melissa and I started talking about doing tutorials I figured that I would just link to other really creative blogs.  I am so excited that I haven't had to do that yet.  This job has got my creative juices flowing!

I grew up in the west and went to college in Idaho and Utah.  Those are two of the craftiest states I have ever lived in!  One of my favorite baby gifts are blankets that have a crocheted border. Most of the quilt shops in Utah and Idaho sell them in kits.  The kit includes a burp cloth and a flannel blanket that has been hemstitched around.  All you have to do is is crochet around them.
I assumed that you could buy these anywhere, but when we moved to Iowa they were nowhere to be found.  I decided that there had to be a way that I could make them.  I figured it out and while I still stock up when I am out west, I make a lot of my own.  I am going to put a new spin on these.  They are usually made with two pieces of flannel hemstitched together.  I decided that I would make this kind of like a whole cloth quilt and instead of putting on a traditional binding I would crochet around it with chenille yarn.  Here is what you need.

2- one yard cuts of fabric. (you can make it bigger or smaller depending on what size you want to make.
1- piece of batting a little bit bigger than your fabric
coordinating thread
hemstitch needle
crochet hook
chenille yarn

Here is a picture of a blanket made I made using flannel and the chenille yarn.

These are the fabrics that I am using for the whole cloth quilt with chenille binding.
Isn't it going to be cute?  The fabric is Crazy Love Priscilla Orange by Jennifer Paganelli and
Crazy Love Cecilia Pink by Jennifer Paganelli. I love them!

Step 1- Layer your quilt (back, batting, top) and baste.  I like to use a spray baster but some people prefer to use safety pins

Step 2- Machine quilt.  You can straighline quilt it, free motion, or you could even tie it.  You just have to make sure that the fabrics are securely fastened together.

I know that you are dying for the rest of the directions so tune in next Tuesday for the 2nd installment of The Cutest Baby Quilt Tutorial.
Have a great week!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pillow Napper (This Tutorial is Brought To You Courtesy of Ambien....)

I would first like to thank the fine makers of Ambien.  Last night I had planned to link with someone else's tutorial and leave it at that.  Then I took an Ambien.  For those that don't know what Ambien is, it is the BEST sleep aid in the world!  I don't take it often, but when I do, look out. (I have ordered things online, woken up in the morning with my pajamas on inside out and a very happy husband, and gotten up to eat. We now hide my phone because I have texted and made phone calls.  It can also make you have some very vivid dreams.)  I was looking on PINTEREST before I fell asleep and saw a popular pin for a sleeping mat made from pillows.  I clicked on it and it took me to a store and I could not for the life of me find the mat.  When I woke up this morning I had a very clear plan on how to make this! (Hopefully I did not see a tutorial and just don't remember it! If it is plagiarized and I get arrested please send me cigarettes.  I don't smoke but I have heard that they are more valuable than cash in prison.)

Today we will be making cute little travel mat using 4 pillows and 3-4 yards of fabric.

Supplies needed:
4 Pillows (or however many you need to make it as long as you want)
3- 4 yard of fabric (depending on if your fabric is directional or not)
Serger (If you have one, if not, a normal sewing machine will work) and sewing machine
Basic sewing supplies.

Are you ready???? I think I am

1- Choose your fabric.  This is a good place to use up fabric from your stash.  I used the same fabric for the whole mat but I think it would be really cute in several different fabrics. A couple of years ago I bought fabric to make quilts for my girls bed.  I am sure none of you buy fabric for projects that you never finish.  This fabric is  "Playdate" by Patty Young (Modkid) for Michael Miller fabrics.

2- Figure out the amount of fabric you will need.

I laid my pillows out, left about an inch on each end, and then measured. My pillows measured about 26x75.

3- My fabric is directional so I cute 4 pieces of fabric 26x45.  If you have a big piece of yardage you could just cut two long pieces 45x80ish.  Again, mine was directional so I cut 4 smaller pieces.
4- Piece the front and back.  I used my serger (If you enlarge the photo you can see my stitches on the blue stripe at the top) to piece them but a straight stitch on your sewing machine will work just as well.

5- Finish the raw edge of one side.  I chose to finish the left side.  This will be the side you will load the pillows from.  I serged the edge. I used the serged edge as a guide and ironed the edge under.  I top stitched the edge.
I did this to the top and the bottom.  Remember that the top piece will have the left edge (fabric facing right side up) finished.  The back side will have the right edge finished (fabric facing right side up).  I may have done this wrong and ended up picking out all the stitches on the back piece.

6- Lay your fabric out right sides together.  Serge or sew up the unfinished side of the fabric.  When you open it you will have a seam up the center (length wise) and the other outer edges (length wise) will be topstitched. (sorry I forgot to take a picture.) If you are having problems picturing this, it looks like a pillowcase.  The topstitched edge is the open end of the pillow case.

7- Lay your pieces out wrong sides together.  Fold them in half to find the middle. Iron a good solid crease.  This crease will be your sewing guide.
Use the crease as a guide and sew a straight stitch down the center of your fabric. Remember, WRONG SIDES TOGETHER.

8- Lay your fabric on the ground.  Fold the top edge down and line it up with your center seam.  Fold your bottom edge up to the center seam.  Pin. Iron a crisp line on both folds.

9- Using the creases as guides, sew a straight stitch on each crease.  Lay your fabric out and you will now have 4 "pockets."  They should look like 4 pillowcases sewn together. The top and bottom are still open. Turn the top pocket inside out so the right sides are together and serge or sew your top seam.  Repeat for the bottom pocket.

10- Insert your pillows! (I thought about adding velcro to keep the pillow from coming out.  Thing 6 laid all over it and moved around and the pillow stayed put.  I decided to leave it open like a pillow case.)
11- Find a really cute almost 7 year old to snuggle down on this comfy mat!
This mat is perfect for nights at grandma and grandpa's or for just laying on for movie night.  I will use it when we travel.  I have heard that some people will try to sneak more than 4 people into a motel room.  I am almost sure I have never done that but if I did, this would be perfect! It folds up really compact and the hotels always have extra pillows.  Then nobody would be whine because they had to sleep on the hard floor (again, I have just heard that people may whine if they have to sleep on the floor).
Thanks for joining us for "Tutorial Tuesday"! If you have questions email me.  Please remember that I am not a pro at this.  I am just learning so if I left out a step or didn't explain it well enough PLEASE let me know!  Please remember to pin this on Pinterest.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Welcome to Tutorial Tuesday!!!! Nate Berkus would be so proud.....

Do you all remember about a month ago I posted that I was looking for the perfect chair for my sewing room.  It had to be small, comfy, and very inexpensive.  My kids like to talk to me while I sew. I don't have an extra chair in my sewing room so they always end up laying on the ground.  I shopped around and could find nothing that fit my criteria.  One day after spending way to much time on Pinterest,  I decided that if other pinners could make over a chair, so could I.  I went to the nearest thrift store and found this chair.
I was confident that I could turn it into something beautiful...and I did!!!!! Drumroll please......


This is my first tutorial ever, so please don't be too picky!  If I leave out a step or you have questions please message me!  I am sure I will leave out information.

1) Strip the chair.
I did not strip the wood.  I simply pulled all the padding and fabric off.  I washed it with soapy water.  When it was dry, I moved on to step 2.

2) I chose to paint it with Rust-Oleum Paint Plus 2x Ultra Cover in AQUA with a satin finish.  I primed it with a grey Rust-Oleum Primer.  I used one coat of primer and 3 coats of Aqua.  I sanded with a fine sand paper in between coats.  I then applied a glossy coat of sealer.
3) Next, I worked on the cushions.  I went to Joanne's Fabrics and bought some foam.  I used the original cushions as the patterns.  I drew the pattern with a sharpie and then had my hubby cut it with a large serrated bread knife

4) I made the back cushion first.  
 I used the cushion as the pattern and added an inch all the way around before I cut it out.
 I cut the front and back the same size and cut the tabs the same size as the original cushion.  I sewed the tabs like a tube, turned them right side out, and pressed them.
I measured the original cushion to figure the placement of the tabs.  I pinned them in between the front and back, right sides together.  I stitched the top and sides together, turned it right side out, inserted the cushion and used my zipper foot to sew the bottom together.  Somehow, I forgot to take a picture of the finished cushion!  Oops!!!

4) Upholstering the bottom.  This is where it got tricky.  I decided that I did not want a removable cushion.  I wanted more of the "Overstuffed" chair look.  I recruited my hubby to help.  He was so excited...he LOVES this kind of stuff (not really, but he is a really good sport!).  We found the nail gun and other tools we thought we might need.  Then we went to work.
 First we stapled the burlap strap across the bottom of the chair. (the staple gun scares the crap out of me!)
 We followed how it was done on the original chair.
 We put the cushion on and then wrapped it in batting and stapled it really tight.

 Next we cut a large square of fabric.  We started in front and stapled the center.  We went to the back and stapled the center.  We worked from the center out.  When we got to the posts on the chair we cut a slit in the fabric and then wrapped and tucked it in.
 We smoothed it, made sure it was tight, and stapled the heck out of it!
This is with out the skirt.  I was so tired of messing with it I almost stopped there.  I am so glad that I didn't!
5) I used the old skirt as a template and made a skirt for the chair.

I folded the edges under a quarter of an inch and topstitched around the pieces.  I pressed the top boarder of each piece about and inch and a half over (like an envelope flap) .  I did not top stitch it.  We attached the pieces to the chair right sided to right side and then folded it over.  We stapled on the flap so the the staple was hidden.  I hope that makes sense!

Here is the finished product.  I LOVE it!!!  Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!  Please pin it on Pinterest.  We want Melissa to quit her day job so we need to generate a lot of traffic to the sight!  Her day job is fine but it really cuts into the time I have to chat and hang out with her!!!!

I learned a lot doing this project. The first thing I learned is that Youtube makes everything look much easier than it is.  The second is that my husband is a dang good surgeon.  You should see how precise he was on lining things up and making sure everything was smooth and exact.  Seriously, if you ever cut your foot off, he could totally sew it back on! All you have to do is look at the chair and you can see how talented he is!!! The third thing is that you don't have to spend a lot of money to make something amazing.  I spent under a $100.00 on this whole project.  It is exactly what I wanted.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!